Nicole & Co.

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Finding Joy in the Fall

Before we get started, I want you to know (for the skimmers) that this blog is the introduction to The Joyful Mompreneur | a study in embracing motherhood and entrepreneurship! Details are at the very bottom.

Full transparency moment.

I was sitting on my bed, inside the nest of my pregnancy pillow, crying.

No one, and I mean NO ONE, was buying Mompreneur : The Course.

I was having a hard core pity party for myself.

“I am 16 weeks pregnant. I feel sick and tired and scared. Why don’t people believe me when I say this will change their lives?”

We made a huge shift not that long ago. I scaled back on my design and strategy work and poured my heart and soul into creating a course, the education, the resources that I needed as a new mom. And no one wanted it. Except me apparently.

But promise them better sleep with a JoJo, and you’ve got them hooked.

I was so confused. So down. So blown away by my own seemingly failed attempt at something new.

I could not find joy in that moment. No matter how hard I tried. I had intertwined the two roles I cherished most, mom and entrepreneur, into something tangible for other mommas. I was literally living out my own dream, and could not find one spark of joy.

So I stood up. I splashed cold water on my face, and decided that was it. I was letting all of these “people” who didn’t buy the course I worked so hard on define my joy. Define my harmony of life. I was letting them, people I don’t even know, define my role.

No. More. I didn’t know how to fix it, but I knew it had to be fixed.

Shortly after this day, I felt my baby kick. At a mere 17 weeks, my sweet baby girl kicked my bladder so hard, I peed my pants. And I laughed so hard I peed again.

So. Much. Joy.

Still, I felt like I was failing. My business, my husband, my kids. Because I had made a choice, and the public wasn’t buying it yet.

But here I stood. In the middle of my kitchen, and I was home, with my babies. And JoJos were selling, and I had design clients on the books for the coming month, and I laughed so hard that Joey thought I was crying from sadness. He held my hand and said, “Mommy it’s ok.”

Joy surrounded me, and for weeks, I had failed to see it because I had been so focused on one thing that wasn’t prospering.

It was that day I knew, believed, that every other mompreneur out there must be feeling this way, too. Overwhelmed, anxious, guilty, and missing the joyful moments that ensue when we pair mom and entrepreneur. The harmony that exists in the middle of kitchen with kicking babies and loud toddlers.

I may not know how to effectively sell an online course, apparently… but I do know how to run three successful businesses in tandem with mothering a 3 year old and growing another baby girl, and do so with joy, contentment, and harmony.

So maybe, just maybe, I can teach other mommas how to, too. And I don’t think we all need to sit down and take a course to do it.

I asked myself – what if we could wake up, and have a certain intention of joy that day? And know exactly what we needed to do to make that happen? What if we could open our email, and see a clearly outlined study of ourselves, rather than a list of to-dos?

So, friends, I did this. I did this for myself for the next week. I studied myself, my days, and my intentions, and purposefully made small but mighty changes to find joy instead of overwhelm. Harmony instead of guilt. Intent instead of anxiousness.

It changed my life.

And yet, the course is still struggling, but I am not.

I would love if you would join me on this journey of studying the joy that exists in pairing mom and entrepreneur.

And do it for free. Obviously. Because studying ourselves should be free. And easy. And intentional and thoughtful and JOYFUL.

Beginning April 29th, just in time to have seen Jesus risen and God’s grace pour over our land, let’s join together for a 5 day study in embracing motherhood and entrepreneurship.

Read more about The Joyful Mompreneur study and sign up, for FREE, to be a part of finding joy in the everyday harmony of mompreneur.